
Make Background check for Chinese company

Background check Chinese company via 'China Checkup'

Nowadays a new online service allows businesses to verify Chinese companies quickly and affordably. Creditreform(China) is one of the leading providers of credit and risk management support services and commercial information in China.  It makes official registration checks on Chinese companies accessible to businesses around the world.

For many countries China is a very important import and export destination. Make china background check is an important step in making informed decisions and doing business safely in China. It can also help you to avoid becoming a part of China's booming fraud industry.

Matt Slater started his China business consulting company 2 years ago, and he is doing things differently to the rest. 'cnbizsearch' lets customers order Chinese company verifications online. The whole process takes place via a secure online payments system. The new service has already received a very positive feedback from the market.

"There needs to be an affordable and streamlined way to obtain this information, which more and more companies require. This is what we hope to provide through cnbizsearch."

Tips – How to avoid problems

Mr Slater also gave some recommendations for avoiding problems when doing business with Chinese companies:

1. Have a contract, and translate it into Chinese. The value of a clear contract isn't just to have something to fall back on if disputes arise. It also ensures that both parties are on the same page.

2. Make it very clear that you're serious about the relationship. Demonstrating commitment to the deal and its results from the start will serve to put off potential low-quality companies, and give high-quality companies the confidence to move forwards with you and your company. Make it clear from the beginning that you will be carrying out background checks, audits and quality inspections.

3. Take responsibility for quality. Don't make the mistake of assuming that the other party will 'fill in the gaps' or handle any oversights not fully specified. Assume that it's your responsibility to clearly and completely communicate your expectations.

4. Documents can be faked.  Take the view that documentation you are shown is meaningless until you can independently verify it through background checks and confirmations with the issuing authority.

5. Also remember that you get what you pay for. Some people doing business with Chinese companies think that the usual relationship between cost and quality doesn't apply in China. This leads to deals going bad. China may be cheaper in general, but there is certainly a limit to this. Recognise that the other party also needs to make a fair profit; if you drive prices down too far, quality will inevitably be affected.

