The program is the first of its kind in Canada and was created by Enbridge with design support from Sustainable Buildings Canada and its network of building experts. The program uses the integrated design process and energy modeling to consider energy efficiency as part of the design stage. It also promotes leading-edge storm water management techniques,Home energy management reduced water use, waste reduction and the use of materials that are non-toxic and sustainably sourced.
A post-construction audit confirms 25 per cent energy use reduction over the existing building code, and qualifying builders receive an incentive of $2,000 per house, up to a maximum of $100,000. Zancor Homes was one of the builders and developers to participate in the integrated design sessions since the program was introduced last year and is the first of those to complete a project - a development in King City, Ontario.
The program is offered to qualifying home builders in the more than 100 Ontario communities which Enbridge serves.
"Thanks to this unique program for residential builders and developers, the people who purchase Savings by Design homes will have a head start on energy conservation," says Mike Singleton, Executive Director of Sustainable Buildings Canada which leads and facilitates the Savings by Design sessions for Enbridge. "We're proud to help deliver a program that we hope will help set the standard for future home building in Canada."
In addition to enhancing the home's resale value, homeowners will save on their annual energy costs. Natural gas already delivers great financial value - a typical Enbridge Gas Distribution customer purchasing natural gas supply from the utility is paying about $400 less today for their total annual natural gas bill than they were five years ago.
There are also environmental benefits. "We are pleased that Enbridge and builders are showing leadership by taking a holistic approach to building energy efficiency into homes from the start," says Michael Walters, General Manager, Home electricity monitorWatershed Management, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. "The Savings by Design program goes beyond reducing energy use and identifies solutions, making it easier to support water conservation and water management."
"Savings by Design is part of a long history of energy efficiency programs that Enbridge has delivered to business and residential customers," says Shannon Bertuzzi, Enbridge Gas Distribution's Manager of Residential Sales. "We are thrilled by the enthusiasm and leadership shown in the home builder and developer community, and look forward to helping more companies build more energy-efficient homes."