
This monthly forum allows leaders from various

As part of an ongoing initiative launched by chamber Board of Directors President Howard Collens to strengthen chamber elations, 14 representatives from the city of Royal Oak met with 14 representatives from the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and staff March 7 for the annual City vs.

The Golden Squirrel was on the line. Last year the chamber didn't do so fine. Would the city win again? The answer wasn't known yet then.

The 2012 Golden Squirrel winner, Police Chief Corrigan O'Donohue, felt confident he had this year's award well in hand. But chamber bowlers had been practicing, and the friendly competition was riddled with trash talk and boasting. Challenges and comments had traveled back and forth between the two sides since the gauntlet for the 2013 Bowling Challenge was thrown. And, what were the results of the 2013 challenge?

The 2013 Gold Squirrel winner was a chamber board member — Tom Tull of TC Green Media.

But the bowling scores were hardly definitive. The average team score of the chamber was 106.8, with the average city score 101.8. The chamber squeaked out a victory … but only barely, showing just how competitive and well-matched these two driving forces in Royal Oak remain.

“The Bowling Challenge is a fun way to meet with city representatives and strengthen rapport and camaraderie in a casual setting,” chamber Executive Director Shelly Kemp said. “It's meant to help establish relationships outside of the work environment. And as a result, it can strengthen that rapport during the work day.”

In his 2012 State of the Chamber address, Board President Howard Collens declared his goal to strengthen chamber partnerships with elected officials and city department heads to help our members seize economic and business opportunities in and for Royal Oak.

“Our Community Relations Committee and Executive Board reached out with a renewed determination,” Collens said. “The city and chamber have worked well together and strengthened lines of communication as we explored areas of common interest — and had fun along the way.”

Beyond the lanes and shoes, the chamber helped establish the Royal Oak Progress Lunch. This monthly forum allows leaders from various segments of our city to gather together to share ideas concerning how we can work together to make Royal Oak a better place to live and work. By sharing information and exploring ways to collaborate, we have started the process for a more thorough and engaged dialogue between public and private entities.

So Golden Squirrels and bowling shoes aside, organizing networking events and building relationships is something the chamber knows best. Laughing over strikes and gutter balls is a healthy outlet that creates an easier atmosphere for working together that benefits both chamber members and Royal Oak residents.

There's a lot to be said for a little healthy competition.

Jennifer Clark is director of events for the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce. She writes a monthly column for the South Oakland Eccentric.

